Health And Safety

Inclement Weather & School Closings:

In the event of inclement weather, the Executive Director will determine whether the facility will be closed. A decision will be made no later than 6:30 am. Please check our home page, 9News, Facebook, and your email for closure information. When possible, the voicemail at TLC Learning Center will be changed to reflect the closure.

If the weather turns bad while your child is at the school, you are welcome to pick up your child early. If bad weather causes you to be late picking up your child, please let the office know as soon as possible.

Our facility is air-conditioned and would not be expected to close during excessively hot weather.

If for any reason the school needs to be closed due to an emergency, power outage, weather conditions, etc., we will notify you to pick up your child immediately. If you cannot do this, you will be required to have another person pick up your child. If the school needs to be closed for extended repair, a TLC Learning Center staff member will notify families as soon as possible.

If there is reason for an emergency evacuation of the building, arrangements have been made with two local businesses (both within walking distance of TLC and remote) to house the children. Children will remain supervised until their parents can be notified and all children have been picked up. Please refer to Caregiver Handbook for more detailed information regarding evacuations.

Medical, Illness, and Allergy Safety:

Because TLC serves students who have severe nut allergies, TLC is a NUT FREE facility. Please do not send anything processed with peanuts or any other type of nut to school with your child. Snacks and birthday treats brought in must be store-bought (with a list of the ingredients still attached). Before bringing in any food to share with the class, please ask your child’s teacher about any specific food restrictions.

All TLC staff are trained in CPR and first aid. Staff receive training in medical administration, as well as standard precautions and procedures.

When your child is ill, please do not bring them to school if they are displaying symptoms. Information regarding illness and your child can be found in the TLC Caregiver Handbook and Illness Policy, distributed to parents following enrollment. Our typical exclusion policy is that children must remain symptom-free for 24 hours (no vomiting, fever, diarrhea), but sometimes, based on the advice of our nurse or the county, we increase this to 48 hours. We will notify parents and post signage when the exclusion period is 48 hours symptom-free. TLC staff will send a child home if they have a temperature of 101 or above, are vomiting, or have diarrhea.

Fire, Tornado, and Intruder Drills:

TLC conducts fire drills with all classrooms regularly. In case of a fire, all children will be immediately evacuated from the building. The fire department is automatically notified through our continual monitoring system. Evacuation maps are located in every room of TLC and a written Fire Drill Procedure is in effect.

TLC conducts regular tornado drills with all classrooms as required by licensing. When a tornado watch exists (a tornado MAY occur), routines may be maintained until such time as skies become threatening. We monitor local news/radio for weather emergency updates.

When a tornado warning (a tornado has been sighted) is issued, all students and staff will seek appropriate shelter. The location of tornado shelters are posted in every room. Children will not be released during a tornado warning.

TLC works with the Longmont Police Department SWAT team to maintain and practice a intruder drill. TLC’s doors are locked at all times and all parents and visitors must be buzzed in through the front door by an office administrator. Each room locks internally, has curtains or shades on every window, and a safety zone designated by the SWAT team in case of intrusion.