Supply and In-Kind Donation Wish List

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Supply and In-Kind Donation Wish List

Your support in the form of in-kind donations of these items is greatly appreciated! Please complete this form and submit along with your donation.

Events Wish List:

Therapeutic Services Wish list

To access the Therapeutic Services equipment wish list, please use this link.

Classroom Wish Lists

other donation needs:

Itunes/Amazon Gift Cards            Receiving blankets

Batteries AA, C, and D                 Diapers of all sizes

Masking tape/Scotch                   Dry earse markers

Gift cards                                   Yoga mats

Pull ups of all sizes                      Paper plates

Crib sheets                                Clorox wipes

Mr. Clean Magic Erasers  Kleenex

Triangle shaped crayons         Colored copy paper

Cornmeal                                  Napkins

Baby wipes                               Colored card stock

Corn starch                               Paper towels

Toddler push toys                    Infant toys

Radio with CD player               Toilet paper

Drawing paper/pads               Infant bouncy seats